cigar bar in charlotte

A New Era of Cigar Bars in Charlotte, North Carolina

North Carolina produces more tobacco than any other state. In recent years, the city of Charlotte has begun to consume more too. New cigar bars are opening in Charlotte, fitting in a legal niche unique to North Carolina that allows smoking in bars and serving liquor without food. A new approach to hospitality welcomes patrons to drink, smoke, learn about products, and develop a palate through pairing whiskey with cigars.

bullock distillery vodka grape barrels

A Whiskey Revival: Bullock Distillery and the Pride of West Virginia

Whiskey is part of West Virginia’s economic revival. Bullock Distillery in Charleston is pushing to bring business back to the state capital and pride back to Appalachian spirits. The distillery is part of a new wave of businesses in the West Side neighborhood, and uses all West Virginian ingredients to make a fine rye whiskey.

WVU football stadium tailgate

Girls, Gallons, and Games: Drinking BORGs at the WVU Tailgate

West Virginia University is known for its partying, and lately students have been drinking something called a BORG. This concoction, made from water, vodka, and Mio flavoring, is a staple among young female students at tailgates. While some folks are concerned about binge drinking, the BORG may present some benefits to young female drinkers.

West Virginia State Lottery Building

The Hot Spots of West Virginia

Around every bend in Morgantown, there is another Hot Spot. These establishments are bars with slot machines, or limited video lottery retailers. In order to offer gambling, they must have a license to sell alcohol. But the reason they are called “Hot Spots” is somewhat of a mystery. Businesses across the state have adopted the name to tell people what kind of bar they are.

Mountaineer Roasting Company

Coffee in the Mountain State: Roasting Comes Home to Morgantown

When you think West Virginia, coffee does not immediately come to mind. Yet, over the past three decades, Morgantown has slowly developed an independent, specialty coffee scene. The most recent push into coffee trends has been the introduction of roasteries to the region. There is a vibrant coffee community slowly brewing in the state.

water kefir flavors

Family, Food, and Fermentation: Passing Down Water Kefir Culture with The Kefir Chicks

Water kefir is a simple fermented beverage made from water, sugar, and a water kefir grain. The Kefir Chicks, based out of Western Pennsylvania, are bringing the drink to market with a message focused on gut health. The drink is full of microbes and probiotics that can help to replenish the gastrointestinal microbiome. And they will teach you how to make it! Just beware, the living culture is temperamental and the drink may explode.

Iron City Distilling

Innovation, Globalization, and Regulation in Whiskey with Distiller Matt Strickland

Pittsburgh Brewing Co. is now opening a distillery, Iron City Distilling, guided by the expertise of distiller Matt Strickland. The new distillery will produce rye, single malt, and bourbon, contributing to the region’s long history of whiskey making. Strickland talks innovation in whiskey, the globalization of distillation, and what it means to distill with regional heritage in mind.
