One American journalist explains just how capacious the pokal was. “It was like a great smooth berry dish without handles, or about the size and shape of a plug hat with the rim cut off, and by actual measurement, was twenty inches in circumference and nine inches high….its appearance, when filled, would strike terror to the souls of a whole State Temperance Society.” (New Orleans Times 10/26/1876).
Gradually, the pokal fell out of fashion as a communal drinking vessel during the 1800s. Rather than becoming an artifact, it emerged as an honor for victorious competitors. Competitions around the Western world awarded their victors a metallic pokal. Such competitions included German games of marksmanship, Russian tests of automobile endurance, and American judgements of singing. In November of 1904, the Commissioner General of the German Reich, Theodore Lewald, presented President Theodore Roosevelt with a metal pokal full of Rhine wine. Keeping the competitive connection alive, Lewald would later head up the 1936 Berlin Olympics.
Beyond niche competitions, the pokal has achieved modern fame. Today, it is presented as the trophy in the second most prestigious football competition in Germany, the DFB-Pokal. First awarded in 1935 as the Tschammer-Pokal, this honor in German football has been awarded annually since, with the exception of World War II. The victorious football club often unites the pokal with its original bedmate, showering each other in a jubilant rain of beer while hoisting the golden pokal high.