Dawn of Drinking

coffee oclock

Many of our beverages are tied up in time.

Some are associated with times of the day, hinting at their functional role in our lives as we wake up, work out, socialize, or wind down. Some are stuck in a season, contingent upon the harvest of a certain ingredient for their manufacture or upon the oppression of a certain temperature driving us to thirst for them. Still other drinks are restricted to certain stages of our lives, as folks quarrel over appropriate ages to wean infants off of breast milk, turn adolescents onto alcohol or caffeine, and eventually cut certain drinks from their ailing bodies once and for all. Finally, some beverages come and go over vast expanses of time due to climate, migration, technology, and the ineffable caprices of collective taste, which can dictate what entire societies drink. 

This series is a look at those beverages bound up in the earliest hours of our days.